Residential Developments

Planning Success Stories: Berrybrook Farm, Sedgehill, Wiltshire

Planning Dwelling

Planning Success Stories: Berrybrook Farm, Sedgehill, Wiltshire

In October 2023, Vision Planning obtained planning permission for a client to turn an agricultural building into two holiday cottages pm a farm yard in Sedgehill in Wiltshire.

The building is an old milking shed within the setting of a listed farmhouse, so the milking shed is “curtilage listed”, and therefore protected as a heritage asset.

The application was refused by Wiltshire Council, and Vision Planning were asked to prepare the appeal. We suggested a few minor alterations and prepared and submitted the appeal documentation.

Not only did the case we put mean that the appeal was allowed, but the appellant received a full award of costs, so the appellant’s appeal costs will be paid by the Council.

Project Info

Status: Permission Granted

By |January 9, 2024|
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